Poari Matua (Board of Trustees)

The board consists of eight (8) trustees.  These are: parent representatives, tumuaki, staff representative, and mana whenua representative.

The board meetings are held on the last Tuesday of every month.

The board has an annual work plan calendar each year to monitor its activities and sub-committees are confirmed at the commencement of each year.  Training is provided to the board by NZSTA and Kura-aa-iwi.

The current board of trustees are:

Pania Turner-Hughes                                       Parent Representative, Chairperson                                                

Denise Marshall                                                 Tumuaki

Hina Tupaea                                                       Parent Representative

Miria Rotana                                                       Parent Representative

Amiria Wehi.                                                      Parent Representative

Suzy Higgins                                                     Parent Representative

Hine Stewart- Waenga                                    Staff Representative

Aroha Cribb                                                        Student Representative

Ohomairangi Ngatai-Hewitt                            Co-opted Student Representative

Layelin Stewart                                                 Mana Whenua Representative

Pianika Waugh                                                  Secretary