Te Wharekura o Maniapoto accepts enrolment application online or via a printed enrolment form from Year 1 to Year 10. 

Both methods require you to provide the following documentation (online applications require scanned copies to be attached during the process):

  1. NZ Birth Certificate or NZ Passport.
  2. Immunisation Certificate; and
  3. Student's most recent school report (if transferring from another school).


The wharekura keeps a register of koohanga and preschool children in the area.  Where possible we ask parents/caregivers of future new entrants to pre-enrol children at the wharekura office well before their fifth birthday.  This assists the office with class placements.

Enrolment Procedures

  • Fill out the enrolment application online or via a printed enrolment form.  Submit the form along with the required documentation.  
  • Contact the office (07 8786884) to arrange an appointment with the tumuaki and kaihautuu. 
  • We encourage parents to bring their child with them.  This enables the tumuaki to get to know the student and whaanau, and how we can support your child and you with the learning at Te Wharekura o Maniapoto. ​​​​​​​

Transition Sessions

Transition sessions are periods in the classroom which we encourage your child to attend before they turn five years of age.

While visiting, you and your child will be encouraged to take part in class activities so that you and your child can meet the kaiako and piiori in the classroom, become familiar with the environment as well as breaktime procedures, and ask any questions you may have.

​​​​​​​Transition Date:

  • Week 4, Thursday, 9:00 - 10:45 am for up to 6 weeks before they start wharekura provided they are accompanied by an adult.
  • For more details, phone or email the office; 07 878 6884  |  office@maniapoto.school.nz​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Poowhiri / Mihi Whakatau

Every term we have a formal welcome for any new piiori and whaanau to our community.  This is by way of a poowhiri or mihi whakatau directly after 9:30 am.  This process includes mihi (speeches), waiata (songs), followed by kai (food).

Enrolment Form

The Enrolment Application must be completed and signed by both student and parent/caregiver.
